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Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Free and Accepted Mason, State of New Jersey

DURING the 1907-08 masonic year the first of a number of Princeton resident's received the degrees of Craft Masonry at King David Lodge #15 in Trenton, New Jersey. Others followed and in time those bretheren petitioned Most Worshipful Thomas Riley, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge State of New Jersey for a dispensation to form a Prince Hall Lodge in Princeton, New Jersey. On April 16, 1913 that authority was granted and 47 Bretheren became known as Aaron Lodge.

They received it's warrant on December 26, 1913 and was registered with it present number 9. The first elected officers of Aaron Lodge #9 were the following. WB Scott Blake as Worshipful Master;, George Parago as Senior Warden;, Omega Harris as Junior Warden;,Henry M. Austin as Treasurer;, and John T. Coy as Secretary.

They previously met on Witherspoon Street and Douglas Hall, but now congregat in it's Temple purchased in 1943 and located on John & MacLean Streets. This acquisition was made under the able leadership pd WB I. Major Stryker and aided by the faith the membership had in each other and their spirit of cooperation. This building continues to serve as a center for community activity.

From 1914 to 1947 all of the District Deputies of the then 4th and present 5th Districts were members of Aaron Lodge #9.

Aaron Lodge #9 will celebrate its 87th year of existence on December 26, 2000 and with the able support of all the Bretheren and under the guidance of the Master, Aaron Lodge #9 will continue to perform good and great works.


The history of Aaron Lodge #9 was obtained from a studt conducted at Rutgers University in 1947

Past Masters from 1979 on..


1979 - 1980 - Howard Sweeney
1980 - 1981 - Hyette Bricoe, Jr.
1981 - 1982 - Anthony Watson
1982 - 1983 - William Fitch
1983 - 1984 - Jimmie Pittman
1984 - 1985 - Phillip Randolph
1985 - 1986 - Floyd Phox
1986 - 1987 - Peter H. Young
1987 - 1988 - Ronald Gillette
1988 - 1989 - Homer O. Justice
1989 - 1990 - Whitfield Mude, Jr.
1990 - 1991 - Larry Gunnell, Sr.
1991 - 1992 - Earl J. Buggs
1992 - 1993 - Roosevelt Stephenson
1993 - 1994 - Robert Gunnell
1994 - 1995 - Glenn Ferguson
1995 - 1996 - Anthony M. Davis
1996 - 1997 - Francis D. Boyer
1997 - 1998 - Wayne P. Murray
1998 - 1999 - Kevin G. Jordan
1999 - 2000 - Wallace C. Holland III


This site was designed and is maintained by Brother Michael Cornicello exclusively for Aaron Lodge #9.
If you require any information about this site or any of it's contents please contact him at the following mail addresses.


 Aaron Lodge #9
John & McLean Streets
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
(609) 921-9789